Adam Smith Program
Department of Economics · George Mason University

Sarah Gustafson (Catholic University of America): Opening the American Heart: Considering Tocqueville’s intérêt bien entendu in Christian Terms


Start Time
Saturday, 19 Oct 2024
End Time
Saturday, 19 Oct 2024
Adam Smith Program

Reading link

Abstract: The doctrine of interest well understood (intérêt bien entendu), is one of Alexis de Tocqueville’s most notable concepts. However, there is considerable disagreement about what this means and what Tocqueville argues it accomplishes for democratic peoples. This article reconstructs Tocqueville’s account of human nature as interested, political, and religious and suggests Tocqueville develops intérêt bien entendu and largely understands it in Christian terms. Appreciating the Christian dimensions of intérêt bien entendu deepens our understanding of Tocqueville’s role as a democratic moralist, the relationship of interest to virtue in his thought, and the character of Tocquevillian civil society.